Encouraging a More Peaceable Posterity...
Encouraging a More Peaceable Posterity...
with: Ron Gibson
Join Ron Gibson to learn about the hidden truths regarding your property rights, and to learn how to recover your protective covenants of the Supreme Law of the Land? Join us for an extraordinary journey with Ron Gibson, a passionate defender of constitutional liberties and likely our country's leading expert on land patents; having over 50 years of career experience.
In these turbulent times, when our fundamental rights seem to be slipping away, Ron Gibson stands as a beacon of hope and knowledge. With his powerful, no-nonsense approach, Ron will guide you through the intricate web of property law and land rights, revealing secrets that have been buried for decades and generations.
Imagine having the undisputed superior rights and interest in your land; truly and completely; free from government interference and unjust enrichment. Picture yourself armed with the knowledge to protect your home, your legacy, and your children's future. This isn't just a dream – it's your God-given, exclusively equitable, and constitutional birthright And Ron Gibson is here to show you how to do it in law.
In this exclusive meeting series, you'll discover:
The supreme power of land patents and how they are intended to shield your property from legal attacks, and other financial attachments.
• What steps you have to take in order to give notice of your acceptance of the patent rights.
• How to defend against public administrative resistance to your patent rights.
• The history, meaning, and intent of the founders for land rights under the land patent.
• The deep, spiritual connections between your property rights, your God-given freedoms, and your sacred honor
But this isn't just about learning – it's about taking action! Ron Gibson's inspirational presentations will inspire you to stand up, speak out, and enforce your rights. His words will echo the passion of our founding mothers and founding fathers, in order to rekindle the spirit of American liberty in your heart.
Don't miss this life-changing opportunity. Join us every other week on Wednesday evenings for a 90-120 minute Zoom meeting, featuring about an hour of Ron's invaluable lessons followed by a direct Q&A session with Ron himself. This is your chance to learn from one of the best, to ask your important questions, and to become part of a community dedicated to preserving our God-given, equitable and constitutional freedoms.
The time to act is now! Our forefathers paid the ultimate price for the liberties we enjoy – will you honor their sacrifice by learning to protect those precious freedoms with the land patents that were created and intended for you? Sign up today, and take the first step towards true land rights and interests, including your personal liberty. Remember, in Ron Gibson's words, 'Some people make things happen, some people watch things happen, and some people wake up one day and wonder what happened.' Don't let apathy be the thief of your rights. Join us, and let Ron help us reclaim our land rights together!
For those who would like ongoing communications with other attendees, and sometimes the presenters themselves, an private blog has been established to provide an interactive experience for sending messages and getting replies as you go through your learning process.
The good thing about a blog is that everyone who participates in the blog will benefit from eachother's questions and the answers they receive. Over time the blog will become a better and better learning support resource for everyone using it.
For more information about the blog please click this link
AMG Exclusive Equity & Trust Blog
For those who would like to speak to a presenter over zoom you can schedule a 1on1 private consult using the "1on1 Calls" button to the left.
Blog is complimentary
For those who would like to have a private consult with Ron Gibson in order to have all of his attention focused on your unique circumstances, please grant your gift for either 30 minutes or 60 minutes.
Once your gift has been accepted by AMG, you will be returned to Ron's calendar where you can select the day and time that works best for you.
30 minutes = $50 minimum gift required
60 minutes = $100 minimum gift required
Replays of your call are included.
Shared dropbox folder is included upon request.
Once you grant your gift, please check your email inbox - the one associated with your bankcard.
There, you will find an email with your link to schedule your call on Ron's calendar. There is a line to add your cell phone number if you would also like a text message reminder about your meeting. After scheduling successfully, you will receive a confirmation email that you are scheduled, and you will receive a reminder notice 24 hours before your scheduled consultation.
Gold Assistance
$3995.00 minimum gift
If you would like to support Ron's Gold Assistance and benefit from Ron and his team preparing your claim:
1) Please send your warranty deed (or other similar deed evidencing your right to claim), or other deed, your certified land patent, and chain of title summary to: LandPatents@AmericanMeetingGroup.com
2) Read the Land Patent Assistance Details PDF located belowat the bottom of this page.
3) Fill out our Grantee Information Form.
AMG Grantee Information Form
4) Grant your gift using the yellow PayPal button above.
5) For alternatives to PayPal to grant your gift, click on the yellow AMG-PMA button.
Silver Land Patent Assistance
$1695.00 minimum gift
If you would like to support Ron's Silver Assistance and benefit from he and his team preparing your claim:
1) Please send your warranty deed (or other similar deed evidencing your right to claim), your certified land patent, and chain of title summary to: LandPatents@AmericanMeetingGroup.com
2) Read the Land Patent Assistance Details PDF located below at the bottom of this page.
3) Fill out our Grantee Information Form.
AMG Grantee Information Form
4) Grant your gift using the yellow PayPal button above.
5) For alternatives to PayPal to grant your gift, click on the yellow AMG-PMA button.
WebPage for Your
Public Notice to Challengers
$150.00 minimum gift
$100 minimum gift with silver assistance
$50 minimum gift with gold assistance
After returning your completed claim to you, and upon request, AMG will create a custom webpage to display your claim for 61 days. You will receive a webpage address to place into your newspaper ad so that people can come and view your entire claim and present any challenges they believe they have.
Notice in your county is required by law before placing your claim onto the permanent public record.
If you need help from the AMG Office, please text, call, or email using the contact information below.
AMG Text Support
Ron's meeting series s is an attempt to provide AMG members with a way to learn about the land patent (allodial title/ letters patent). This series hosts an ongoing string of meetings, having one meeting occur about every two weeks on Wednesday nights. Each call in this meeting series is focused on a different set of related subject matter under the fundamentals of land patents, land rights and interests.
By granting your gift you are supporting the RG-THELMS trust that is expressed below. You are welcome to gift more if you feel you received more value, or if you just want to help support AMG private learning experiencs in general. Your gifts help to sustain the American Meeting Group and it's presenters.
To Attend A Maeting You Accept The Following Arrangement:
1) These gifts are private lawful gifts exchanged between friends, and that a private, unincorporated trust arises upon delivery and acceptance of your consideration.
2) Because we are non-commercial, and non-political, there are no purchases, no contracts, no refunds, no goods or services in commerce, and no donations, just a mutual exchange of lawful gifts and honor.
3) You are coming as grantors, gifting Robert and the American Meeting Group as your trustees to create and maintain the events and to deliver a variety of private trust property to the beneficiaries.
4) Beneficiaries receive materials created or gathered for the meetings they attend.
5) Each gift granted through PayPal is granted, conveyed and accepted as lawful money only. [per 12 USC 411 where applicable].
6) You do not have to have a PayPal account to use your debit or credit card to grant and convey your gift. AMG is just using PayPal as a card clearing merchant, and having them act as a custodian of your gift as private trust property.
7) If you prefer alternate methods to PayPal for granting your gift, please use the button below.
8) You have read and accept the American Meeting Group disclaimer located at: http://AmericanMeetingGroup.com/disclaimer. You can also find the disclaimer button on the menubar at the top of this page.and accept the American Meeting Group disclaimer located at: http://AmericanMeetingGroup.com/disclaimer. You can also find the disclaimer button on the menubar at the top of this page.e.
Memorandum of Law and A Brief History of Alodial Land Patents – Part 1
Tonight, we took a deep dive into the fascinating and critically important topic of land patents and their legal and historical foundations. The title of this class is *'Memorandum of Law and A Brief History of Allodial Land Patents,'* and it’s not just about the past—it’s about your rights today.
I started by laying the foundation, much like building a house. Land patents trace back all the way to the Bible, where God granted land to man forever. That word 'forever' is key—it’s in every land patent ever issued. It means no one, not a court or even the U.S. Supreme Court, can lawfully take the land granted under a patent. This right is protected by treaty law, which is the highest law of the land.
We talked about allodial title, which comes from old English law, meaning 'God-given.’ It’s a title that exempts your land from taxes and any claims by external authorities. But here’s the thing—our modern system has strayed far from these principles. Most people are under the illusion that a warranty deed means ownership. It doesn’t. At best, it’s an equity interest or permission to occupy, but it doesn’t establish true ownership.
Our responsibility as sovereigns—yes, sovereigns, because sovereignty lies with the people—is to stand up and protect these rights. Complacency has allowed excessive taxation and unlawful foreclosures to flourish. The government, which should be our servant, has turned into a tyrant, and it’s time we hold their feet to the fire.
I shared examples from history, like the Public Land Trust and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act, to show you that the law is on your side. I also touched on treaties like the Treaty of Paris and constitutional protections to explain why these rights are unalienable.
Finally, I want you to know that this isn’t just theory. I’ve spent a lifetime researching this, and I’ve even secured land patents myself. It’s not easy, but it’s possible, and it’s necessary. I’ll be providing my memorandum to help guide you, and I encourage you to read my book, ”You are Not a Slave" if you want to dig deeper.
Another resource I highly recommend is my book, 'What You Need to Know About Land Patents.' In it, I break down the history, the legal principles, and the step-by-step process of securing your allodial title. It’s designed to empower you with the knowledge you need to take control of your property rights and protect what’s rightfully yours.
Remember, this is your land, given by God and protected by law. It’s time to act like kings and queens of your own domains, as our founding fathers intended.
Please contact AMG Support for your gift granting options
If you have any additional questions or comments
please let us know below.
No Replay
History of Land Patents
Please contact AMG Support for your gift granting options
If you have any additional questions or comments
please let us know below.