Encouraging a More Peaceable Posterity...
Encouraging a More Peaceable Posterity...
with: Andrew
Equity & Discharge -
Welcome to our series on navigating public charges in our modern commercial system. We're happy to have you join us with Andrew for what promises to be an eye-opening journey.
Andrew isn't your typical presenter. He's about to take you on a journey that might just turn everything you thought you knew about commerce on its head.
Andrew brings years of experience and a unique perspective to the table. He's spent many hours unraveling the intricacies of our current public administrative system, and he's here to share that knowledge with you.
In this series, Andrew will guide you through the fascinating truth about our commercial system. He'll explain why, believe it or not, we can't actually settle debts in the traditional sense anymore. Sounds unbelievable, right? But once Andrew breaks it down, you'll see how this seemingly small detail changes everything.
You'll explore the promises made by the U.S. government when they removed gold and silver from commerce - promises that they'd accept all duties and obligations for public charges. But they didn’t teach us how to compel them to perform those duties and obligations, they instead offered a way for us to volunteer to help them with those charges. Andrew will show you how these historical decisions impact our dealings with the public administration.
So here's what sets Andrew apart - he's not here to teach you how to fight the system. He's going to teach you the art of asking the right questions. Throughout this series, Andrew will help you shift your mindset from confrontation to inquiry, from argument to equity. You'll learn how to craft effective inquiries which compel IRS discharge action without compromising your honor.
Andrew will cover everything from understanding the true nature of commerce in our current system, to recognizing the government's promises at law, to crafting powerful inquiries which lead to discharge. He'll explain why it's crucial to avoid arguing facts, law, jurisdiction, or venue, and why giving testimony or making counter offers actually work against your honor.
This isn't about avoiding legitimate obligations. It's about understanding the true nature of our commercial system and compelling the discharge that was promised to us when lawful money was removed from commerce.
In the upcoming sessions, you'll practice inquiry, exploring the art of staying in equity at all times, and discovering how to persist in settling the matter without ever stepping into argument or conflict.
Remember, folks, in the realm Andrew is about to share with you, equitable questions are among your most powerful tools. So, get ready to start asking the right ones.
Please join us for Andrew's guidance on this fascinating journey.
For those who would like ongoing communications with other attendees, and sometimes the presenters, an interactive blog has been established to provide an ongoing interactive experience to send messages and get replies as you go through your learning process.
The good thing about a blog is that everyone who participates in the blog will benefit from eachother's questions and the answers they receive. Over time the blog will become a better and better learning support resource for everyone using it.
For more information about the blog please click this link
AMG Trust, Honor, Equity & Land Blog
For those who would like to speak to a presenter over zoom you can schedule a 1on1 private consult from their webpage using the 1on1 Calls button to the left.
Blog is complimentary
For those who would like to have a private consult with Andrew in order to have all of his attention focused on your unique circumstances, please grant your gift for either 30 minutes or 60 minutes.
Once your gift has been accepted by AMG, you will be returned to Andrew's calendar where you can select the day and time that works best for you.
30 minutes = $50 minimum gift required
60 minutes = $100 minimum gift required
Replays of your call are included.
Shared dropbox folder is included upon request.
Once you grant your gift, please check your email inbox - the one associated with your bankcard.
There, you will find an email with your link to schedule your call on Andrew's calendar. There is a line to add your cell phone number if you would also like a text message reminder about your meeting. After scheduling successfully, you will receive a confirmation email that you are scheduled, and you will receive a reminder notice 24 hours before your scheduled consultation.
If you need help from the AMG Office, please text, call, or email using the contact information below.
AMG Text Support
Robert's meeting series s is an attempt to provide AMG members with a way to learn about private living from the perspective of sacred honor. This series hosts multiple meetings, having one meeting occur about every two weeks. Each call in this series is focused on a different set of related subject matter under the fundamentals of exclusive equity and related sacred scripts.
By granting your gift you are supporting the AM-THELMS trust that is expressed below. You are welcome to gift more if you feel you received more value, or if you just want to help support AMG private learning experiencs in general. Your gifts help to sustain the American Meeting Group and it's presenters.
To Attend A Maeting You Accept The Following Arrangement:
1) These gifts are private lawful gifts exchanged between friends, and that a private unincorporated trust arises upon delivery and acceptance of your consideration.
2) Because we are non-commercial, and non-political, there are no purchases, no contracts, no refunds, no goods or services in commerce, and no donations, just a mutual exchange of lawful gifts and honor.
3) You are coming as grantors, gifting Andrew and the American Meeting Group as your trustees to create and maintain the events and to deliver a variety of private trust property to the beneficiaries.
4) Beneficiaries receive materials created or gathered for the meetings they attend.
5) Each gift granted through PayPal is granted, conveyed and accepted as lawful money only. [per 12 USC 411 where applicable].
6) You do not have to have a PayPal account to use your debit or credit card to grant and convey your gift. AMG is just using PayPal as a card clearing merchant, and having them act as a custodian of your gift as private trust property.
7) If you prefer alternate methods to PayPal for granting your gift, please use the button below.
8) You have read and accept the American Meeting Group disclaimer located at: http://AmericanMeetingGroup.com/disclaimer. You can also find the disclaimer button on the menubar at the top of this page.and accept the American Meeting Group disclaimer located at: http://AmericanMeetingGroup.com/disclaimer. You can also find the disclaimer button on the menubar at the top of this page.e.
January 22, 2025
New Equity Alumni
Please contact AMG Support for your gift granting options
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please let us know below.
December 11, 2024
New Equity Alumni
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please let us know below.
November 13, 2024
The Art of Inquiry: Navigating Public Charges in the Commercial System
Please contact AMG Support for your gift granting options
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please let us know below.
October 30, 2024
The Art of Inquiry: Navigating Public Charges in the Commercial System
Please contact AMG Support for your gift granting options
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please let us know below.
October 16, 2024
The Art of Inquiry: Navigating Public Charges in the Commercial System
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please let us know below.
October 2, 2024
Understanding Public Charges: The Role of Equity in Commerce
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please let us know below.
September 18, 2024
Equity in Action: Navigating Trust, Honor, and Public Charges
Please contact AMG Support for your gift granting options
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please let us know below.