We are private and non-commercial, therefore not licensed to service federal agents, officers, employees and dependents,

nor those of any federal franchises. You must participate at your own risk; and all such persons are subject

to the Bivens decision, and must identify themselves prior to participation in any American Meeting Group activity.
We engage eachother under the maxims of Exclusive Equity, and thereby only exchange lawful gifts and honor under unincorporated trust relations

Start From The Beginning

    Stewarding Property Through Sacred Honor

    Through History, Law, History of Law, Rights, Titles and Interests.


    Learn where scripture, spirituality, history, psychology, ego, Law and commerce all intersect.


    Member Learning Area Review

    Member Covenant

    Once you have firmly decided that you want to join as a member, please send a message to AMG Support giving us notice of your decision. We will want to see a picture of your envelope and autographed covenant. Then we will provide you with the AMG-PMA Accceptance Address for mailing your completed Member Covenant with sufficient consideration to begin.